
Become A Host

Why partner with us to co-host an Experience House?


If you’re even considering this, you probably already understand the value of being the organizer/host. But here’s a breakdown of the ways we think working with us to host this experience could be rewarding:


The opportunity to attend an Experience House! And depending on your contribution level, attend free of cost.


Become a part of the Experience House network, a budding global community of some seriously mind-blowing humans. 


Our team’s support. In addition to supporting you with the location + venue aspect of the event, we bring:

The sourcing + curation of attendees

Our expertise for how to run these experiences

Systems/SOPS to streamline the production process


The opportunity to show your home (or a place you love) to some amazing people


Local street cred. These houses often become the epicenter of interesting things (events, community dinners, etc.). It could be an opportunity to invite the “who’s who” of your area to experience some magic and form deeper connections.


Collaborate on the experience design. We’ll nerd out with you and collaborate on making the entire experience mind-blowing. 


Be a part of what we’re creating. We’re experimenting with a new way of living.


Download of full PDF and learn more about hosting an Experience House Event